Shoemaker FFA
Membership Application
FFA is a dynamic student-led leadership development organization for students of agricultural education. The FFA changes lives and prepares students for premier leadership, personal growth and career success.
F-F-A stands for Future Farmers of America, but we don’t use the full name because Future Farmers of America implies that we are all preparing to be farmers. Agriculture is much broader than farming and ranching. Members study many other things such as veterinary science, horticulture, food sciences, accounting, wildlife management, and mechanics and engineering.
FFA activities are an outgrowth of the classroom and supervised agriculture experience program. Through the FFA, students can participate and compete in a multitude of events, while traveling outside of the school to see new places and meet new people. These include: leadership contests, judging contests, livestock shows, camps, conventions, and monthly meetings. There is something for everyone in FFA!
FFA is a part of the teaching program in agricultural sciences. In order for a student to be a member of the FFA, he/she must be enrolled in at least one Agriculture Food and Natural Resources course during the school year.
Sign me up; I want to be a Shoemaker FFA member 2020-2021!
Name______________________________________ ID #____________________
Ag Class Enrolled in ______________________________________ for ___________ Semester
Grade________________ T-Shirt Size_____________________
Mailing Address___________________________________
Telephone Number_________________________ Birthday____________________________
Were you an FFA member last school year? _____________ What chapter? ________________